I simply cannot write 'surface stories.'

Caught up with so many beautiful friends yesterday including cousin Lou at the Wolfe Brothers, East coast Tassie. So much fun. I got chatting to a few readers who loved my earlier books. It’s always so humbling (and for me it makes me a little shy - hello introverted writer?!)

I’ve a new book coming - ‘Milking Time’ in May - and I’m excited but nervous. It’s a deeper, different kind of book. While it would be very lucrative for me to write a ‘Jillaroo’ to put into the market each year to entertain - I can’t. I wrote it in my 20’s. And life has led me so far from those ag college days.

So much so that I want my writing to not just entertain - but to also educate, inform and increase awareness about how we all need to open our minds and hearts to new food systems and collaborative communities.

I simply can’t write ‘surface stories’. Being 55 now and having had life dish me up some massive (and ongoing) financial, family, farm and health challenges - and seeing the environmental decline of our beloved Tasmania due to chemical and commodity driven agriculture I simply can’t write a romance/party/boy meets girl narrative. I want to give you so so much more!

I want you all to read ‘Milking Time’ and fall in love with nature within you and around you. So your senses are enlivened, your hearts are opened and your minds become clear.

I want my art to expand you all. Like the way the vibration of music does.

Thanks so so so much to my longtime creative Tassie buddies The Wolfe Brothers and the beautiful and brilliant women who support them. It was great to see you all again.

Your musical evolution over a decade always lifts me up and inspires me.

My hope is readers of books and listeners of music understand that artists need to answer their creative calling - not just create for the marketplace. We owe it to ourselves. We thank our long term followers for understanding that.

I love you all. I love being alive! I love country music and country life. And I hope you buy Milking Time when it is placed on the shelves in bookstores or packaged up in an online warehouse. And above all I hope you ‘get it’.

One people. One planet. Infinite possibilities.

Rock on!

Pre order here: https://www.booktopia.com.au/milking-time-rachael-treasure/book/9781460757598.html