We're hijacking Valentine's Day!

On Valentine’s Day for me, as a farmer and novelist, celebrating love with a capital L not a capitalist L is so important for humanity right now that I've written it into my forthcoming novel, "Milking Time".

Tonight at Shambles Brewery we regenerative farmers are hijacking Valentine's Day! The true meaning of Valentine's Day has been lost in the ethers of time, replaced instead with a cultural 'asleepness' about the realities of eternal love... love that entwines everything ... from cows to the cosmos.

As my main character, Connie Mulligan says, 'Love hurts.... the environment!' She points out that flowers blasted by fumigants and biocides are far from romantic or a loving act. Give me wild flowers and pretty weeds instead!

The energy of love, when harnessed, is our most powerful force. Farmer's across Australia are combining this re-discovered inner awareness with science and technology - then blending it... coming up with reimagined systems in agriculture and food production in forms that celebrate and uphold nature, and provide communities with nutritious, honourable food.

At its heart, a holistic approach to farming gives me power over my price, profitability, a sense of purpose for the greater good and a joy that comes when seeing Mother Nature repair and come alive under a regenerative farmer's stewardship. Not to mention happy customers!

It’s time for us to become fierce about the truth surrounding our food systems and the impacts on land and health. Anyone can highlight the negatives but not everyone can imagine or show the way out of the man-created mess. That's why story and art is imperative to help people see beyond the smokescreen of fear that is hazed before us every day.

That's why I've diligently written "Milking Time" over six years, taking on the densest of themes, like illness, chemical warfare on land and sexual abuse, and turning that darkness into light, hope and beauty.

My daughter Rosie (who has a 'different-ability ahead of a disability) will help us celebrate with an exhibition tonight, February 14th.

This year's from Paddock-to-Paint will be held at our Tasmanian Produce Collective food distribution hub at Shambles Brewery. We are part of the TPC volunteer organisation and Rosie is our youngest producer. On the night we'll not only enjoy Rosie's Characters from the Farm Art but also Shambles housemade burgers and beers, along with a free 20 minute documentary 'Thankful for Soils'. And meet your farmer!

What you focus on and feed upon matters! So join us in this movement... like your liife depends upon it. (Which is does!)

Like natural systems that are nurtured... the holistic food vision is going to grow...and become beautiful, abundant and bold.

All my love see you tonight!
